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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 19, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
Hi, my name is Mike and I've been keeping aquaria off and on for over forty years since being given a hand-me-down 10g as a child. (Sounds like something Anonymous so far, eh?). In the early days my small town boasted only a Lays which stocked a few tropical fish. As they were all more money than I had, which was none, my tank would be stocked with whatever I could catch. Sometimes that would be embarrassingly small sunfish caught sport fishing. Other times I would catch small fish, insects, crawdads, even salamanders.

Now we have ten tanks set up, a number which has been both higher and lower. My largest is a 75 which I'm just now tearing down from its temporary status (several years ago). I also have a 55, a 29, a 15, and half a dozen 20s. Waiting on me to build stands are a 150, another 55, and a 40, and for when I get really froggy I have a 1/2"*24"*94" piece of float glass whose fondest wish is to front a plywood-fiberglass tank. Our tanks are planted with soil, similar to the Walstad method.

Previously I kept native fish - various darters, minnows, topminnows, and hogsuckers. However, a failed central air unit one August when we were out of town put us out of the native business except for one tough old redline darter that managed to live through heat so high that our emrgency candles melted. Now we have only some guppies, White Cloud Mountain minnows, and a LOT of ancistrus catfish, but I'm hoping to restock natives this spring.
Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you have a lot of experience and will be a great help here :) Any pictures of your tanks?
Hi, welcome to the forum :)

53 gallon elephant nose tank
16 gallon Giant African shrimp tank
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