New Freshwater Member from Houston Texas

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 19, 2012
Houston, Texas
We live in Houston Texas area. We started out in February with a 2 gallon and somehow have ended up with a 10 gal half round, a 37 gal, a 45 gal, a 46 gal bow front, and a 60 show.... Africans in the 60; tetras, dwarf gouramis, denison barbs in 46; rainbows, barbs, rams, and sharks in the 45; brichardi and danios in the 37 gal; and tetras and a blue gill (perch) in the 10 gal; along with algae eaters, clown, yoyo and angelicus loaches, pictus and cory cats, and plecos scattered about. We do 1/3 water changes every week. We lost most of our starters in our 46 tropical tank with the dwarf gouramis. We lost a bunch of guppies, black tetras and neon and cardinal tetras. Not sure what happened, but think we had a very territorial Dwarf gourami (who i think is the one that died of Pop-eye). In our 45 gal we almost lost our clown loaches, but kept up the ich treatment for over a month and they cleared up. Yes... we've kinda got the fever.... Glad to have a website we can refer to for help! :)

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