New from PA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 5, 2013
Hello, have been using this forum almost exclusively while getting back into the aquarium hobby. As a kid growing up I always had fish but not until now have appreciated the science behind doing it properly. It has been very rewarding going through the cycling process and actually being successful to boot. Right now I have a 10 gallon fully planted "starter" tank for my 4 year old daughter. I am already looking forward to getting a 30 gallon tank since this has become a family project that everyone seems to enjoy. Thanks for all the great knowledge everyone has shared.



Hello, have been using this forum almost exclusively while getting back into the aquarium hobby. As a kid growing up I always had fish but not until now have appreciated the science behind doing it properly. It has been very rewarding going through the cycling process and actually being successful to boot. Right now I have a 10 gallon fully planted "starter" tank for my 4 year old daughter. I am already looking forward to getting a 30 gallon tank since this has become a family project that everyone seems to enjoy. Thanks for all the great knowledge everyone has shared.

Lovely planted tank you have there, you must have a happy daughter! Lots of family fun comes out of this hobby, thats how I started=)

Welcome to AA, and look forward to hearing about your experiences and seeing the 30g!
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