New Guppies

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 24, 2014
Melbourne, Australia
Hey everyone,

Got 4 guppies today, all male and all very colourful, however they seem to only be swimming at the surface of the water at the moment(dont seem to be gasping for air from what i can tell), the water has been tested and all seems almost normal... amonia is a touch high 0.25ppm (still cycling). Any reason they might be at the surface mainly? ( they have also been fed)
I was wondering the same thing as I have two males and one of them stays at the surface and the other is swimming everywhere as do my females ?
Okay thanks for that info Bulld... Might have to lower the water height then because the cover ontop of the tank is completely hiding them !
Another reason they go to the surface is if they are gasping for air. This happened to me when my Co2 regulator got screwed up and I took the Co2 off for a week or so. I agree with the surface feeding thing too. I have kept guppies for over 3 years and its amazing what colors the parents give to the babies. Then again, everything dies:angel:, but it seems that when that happens, a new guppy is born.:D
I dont think they are gasping for air... I have a number of other fish in the same tank that are not staying at the surface, unless the other fish arent as sensative.. Dunno... But will monitor... Thanks !
I found my Guppy's like the top over the bottom, there pigs and like to get at the food first haha. So they make sure to keep uptop.?
They're just in shock from getting to a new tank. Give it a few days...... They just aren't used to the new tank yet. Mine do the same thing.
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