[NEW HERE] My New 26 gal Bowfront

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 27, 2011
This is my first post... These are pics of my new tank (brackish) and the fish I've added so far.

(just a note... I am a beginner!! Still have sooo much to learn)

*2 Monos (newest addition, 3 days)
*2 Zebra Danios (one possibly pregnant)
*2 White Clouds (one pregnant)
*1 Golden Snail
*1 Stick Fish (bottom feeder).. name?
*1 Japanese Fish (bottom feeder).. loach?
*Several small Trumpet Snails




Great looking tank. Think you're referring to a dojo loach. Long slender specked grey? The fish in the picture i think are monos, awesome fish. Also danios are schoaling might want to keep 5+ eventually. Might catch some criticism for keeping some of those species in a brackish tank. I say if you enjoy it then eh. Welcome to AA and your new addiction! (y)
Great looking tank. Think you're referring to a dojo loach. Long slender specked grey? The fish in the picture i think are monos, awesome fish. Also danios are schoaling might want to keep 5+ eventually. Might catch some criticism for keeping some of those species in a brackish tank. I say if you enjoy it then eh. Welcome to AA and your new addiction! (y)


Regarding the dojo you mentioned, it's not the same as mine, he is a deep gold colour with dark stripes (pointy face with short whiskers... I'll try to take a pic of him/her).

Also, THANK YOU for letting me know that my new fish are actually "Monos"!! (pet store said they were Striped Scats... *googlee-eyed*). I agree, they are AWESOME.

I originally bought 4 Zebra Danios after I cycled my new tank for a month, then 2 died and were replaced with the two White Clouds (they were super cheap, I think 2 for $1). My intention in the beginning was to have a "Puffer" tank... so figured the little guys would eventually become their dinner *smile*. Recently I changed my mind (after 3 puffer deaths due to bullying from the 3 tiger barbs I "had"). And so now I recently bought my Monos... I'm honestly taking my time adding to the community. I was told (again, by the pet store... *wink*) that Brackish water would be perfectly ok for the other fish (again, was intended for the puffers)... and they all seem to be doing very well, lots of activity and eating great. Just waiting now to see when my prego fish are going to lay their eggs, and how many survive.

And I sooooooooooo know it's going to turn into a serous addiction... LOL. I love it!

Thanks again!

Here's that pic!! (forgive the lack of clarity).


Loach???... not a loach?? *smile*
Here is a close-up of the stick fish. I don't believe it's a species of catfish... but I'm no expert so... *smile*

Here's one if my golden snail. He's soooo awesome!!


Yes, it is a catfish. My guess is Farlowella acus, although I believe there are several members of the genus available in the hobby.

Your tank looks very nice. Unfortunately, your pet store is wrong about the long term compatibility of your brackish water fish (monos) and freshwater fish (everything else). Are you making the brackish water with marine salt?
@severum mama... THX!! I googled the species you mentioned and it is exactly that. I hated just calling it "the stick fish".. lol.

And the box only says "aquarium salt" (API - Aquarium Pharmaceuticals). And I put 3 tbsp. in my 26 gal.
Aquarium salt does not make brackish water. You would need marine salt mix for that- it has trace elements that are found in sea water, so it's much different than just NaCl (which is all aquarium salt is- branded sodium chloride). It sounds like your pet store is not giving you reliable advice. The best course of action, IMO, would be to return the monos and discontinue use of the aquarium salt. The rest of your fish will be just fine in dechlorinated tap water, without adding anything else.
Thank you for the advice. *smile*

I am going to keep my monos though, and also keep my tank the way it is... my fish seem to be quite happy.

Thx again.
Just as a heads up, I've kept adult sized monos with danios in the past and they destroyed each and every one of them in short order. It might be all well and good now, but once they get to a certain size they can easily turn on the smaller fish, and really are best served by moving into full marine conditions. So this setup has a good potential to go awry at some point in the future because of a few things, tank size, setup (some fish on that list aren't brackish fish), and tankmate compatibility.

Best of luck.
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