New Keyhole and New Plants....

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Nov 6, 2011
Just added two Keyhole Cichlids to my 29g. I also added Anubias and Java Fern at the same time. My question is... When should I dose with Flourish Comp? I just did a PWC, so I was going to dose then, but added two fish after the pwc and thought otherwise on the Comprehensive. What should I do? :huh:
Just going to add Flourish Comp in the morning then.
After a WC is a good time to add ferts. If you just have anubias and java ferns, then I doubt that you'll have to dose a second time if your tank is decently stocked.
I'm going to get a few more of each plant today. Maybe even a couple totally different beginner plants lol. I just wanted to make sure dosing with new fish was okay to do.
It should be safe, but chances are that you may not need to be dosing. Unless you have a large amount of them or have them in a high light tank, anubias, etc. probably won't need a rigorous dosing routine.
I plan on adding more. My lighting sucks! It's one T8 24" 8500k 17w bulb.
Gotcha. Just be careful with any fertilizing in a low light tank. More nutrients in the water equals more algae unless there are enough plants growing well to utilize them. I've turned a tank or two many shades of green before. lol
Lol! I'm going to buy more today if there are some left. Then I'll dose today once I have 6 or 7 plants in. As you can see, I'm trying to make it not look so bare!


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Whats the middle plant you have and the one on the right? Thanks
The middle is a Lace Java Fern. The other two are Anubias Nana's
Whoops. The middle and right are ferns. The left is Anubias.
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