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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 7, 2006
Washington DC Metro Area
I should've trusted my instincts yesterday at the local pet store. I was only there with a friend to buy accessories for her little 6 week old puppy, but the fish section was calling me. I ended up getting different variations of food, water conditioners for pwc 's and some rocks/caves. But I saw a 10gal on sale with light and filter. I thought to myself I'd use it for fry, but then I asked.... what fry? And laughed it off and kept on my way. I have two female platy in my 20 gal just for starters as it stabilizes. I was going to do a fishless cycle but my ma made an impulse purchase without my knowledge. They weren't noticably pregnant when I acquired them, but one developed a larger stomach and a pink gravit spot days ago.....just days ago. The spot hasn't darkened like I'm used to seeing. Ammonia and nitrite levels are very low, and nitrates don't register on tests yet. I really wish this tank could've cycled before any fish purchases. Even worse, before any fry.

Well, this Christmas Eve night, I turned on the light to my tank just out of curiosity to see a little platy pry peeking its head out of one of the caves. It's the only one discovered so far. I'm not prepared for fry though I knew that I should be, so i suspended my general fish net in the tank and it's in there. I have an idea to connect an air tube and using my Whisper 20 set low flow on my clear 5 gal bucket until tuesday when I can get the tank I shoulda got in the first place, but I don't know about that. I wish SOMETHING was open tomorrow but it's Christmas of course. We'll see.

I've had great experiences in my past with Platy fry, so well that I had to begin giving a lot away.

I'll have to wrap stocking/legging over the filter intakes if more are born while I'm asleep.

Sorry for the essay.


Just discovered two more, so that makes three. They're all netted and seemed pretty healthy, they're pretty active. I can confidently bet that they're gonna be more, but I'm exhausted from trying to catch those three alone. Any new additions will have to fend for themselves overnight while I'm asleep. I'll search for more in the morning, and hopefully the new additions to the family can hold out until I get a fry tank.
And here I am wondering how hard it will be to get my angels to breed when they grow up... You have a basically uncycled tank and more fish than you can shake a stick at :)

Are you running a fish Sybaris over there?
SparKy697 said:
And here I am wondering how hard it will be to get my angels to breed when they grow up... You have a basically uncycled tank and more fish than you can shake a stick at :)

Are you running a fish Sybaris over there?

lol It appears so. :lol:

Though the tank isn't cycled yet, my ammonia levels are low (not 0 yet, but less than .25ppm and the nitrite level is even lower if existent. My nitrite and nitrate tests aren't showing any reactions yet, only ammonia, gh, kh, and ph. I hope the amount that is in there isn't harming those little guys and stressing a pregnant fish too badly. Platys are tough though. Once cycled, I'll introduce more colors and and a diverse gender of Platy because it's obvious those females are using stored goods. :?

This'll just be a Platy tank when it's all said and done. I don't think I'll do any other species.


Here are the three little ones.


And this will be their new home after they graduate from Growth Academy.
Congratulations. As you are obviously aware platies, as all livebearer's do, will continue to have fry more than once even when there are no more males present in the tank. Your female could still drop a few more broods of fry yet, LOL. You may need that fry tank still!
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