New livestock questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 25, 2004
New York, NY
Couple of things about adding new livestock. First, how often should I do water changes on my 10gal QT. It has one 1/2 in Perc in it. I had a pair, but the second only lasted about 2 hours, includng the 1 hour acclimation. He looked fine at my LFS, and my remaining perc seems very comfortable has has been eating flakes for a day now. Tried to get a refund for the second perc, but no dice. Won't be going to that LFS anymore if I can help it.

Second, I am going to be getting a team of snails, one peppermint shrimp and one cleaner shrimp. They will be in my tank before any fish. What should I feed the shrimp? Would you recommend not getting shrimp before fish? Are these two types ok for beginners?

Third, the online vendor I am thinking about using advises getting the snails (and crabs, but I have learned from this forum it's best not to go down that road) into the tank as soon as possible, without a long acclimation period. Is this right?

flynnternet said:
Couple of things about adding new livestock. First, how often should I do water changes on my 10gal QT. It has one 1/2 in Perc in it. I had a pair, but the second only lasted about 2 hours, includng the 1 hour acclimation. He looked fine at my LFS, and my remaining perc seems very comfortable has has been eating flakes for a day now. Tried to get a refund for the second perc, but no dice. Won't be going to that LFS anymore if I can help it.
Water changes should be done as needed. Providing the NH3, NO2 and NO3 are under control, small weekly water changes should be enough. Also be sure you syphon out any uneaten foods and detritus daily (or as needed). It will help keep water quality issues at a minimum.

Second, I am going to be getting a team of snails, one peppermint shrimp and one cleaner shrimp. They will be in my tank before any fish. What should I feed the shrimp? Would you recommend not getting shrimp before fish? Are these two types ok for beginners?
All those animals will be fine. The snails (depending on species) will fend for themselves. As far as the shrimp, use a few sinking pellets a few times a week. It should be plenty to keep them going as well as feeding the bacteria. Be aware with two shrimp species in a small tank there could be some aggression between the two. Be sure they are purchased small and added at the same time. Be sure to drip acclimate all of them for several hours as well.

Third, the online vendor I am thinking about using advises getting the snails (and crabs, but I have learned from this forum it's best not to go down that road) into the tank as soon as possible, without a long acclimation period. Is this right?
Completely wrong. With inverts, the longer the acclimation period the better. Most are quite sensitive to changes in ph and salinity especially. Drip into the transport bag at the rate of 2-3 drops a second. This article should help... >>Drip acclimation<<

Thanks much. My NH4 is at ~.12 and my NO2 at ~.2. DId a 20% water change today, and plan on doing another next weekend, if not midweek.

Hopefully both shrimp will be small, and they will surely be introduced together as they'll be arriving in the same box.
flynnternet said:
Thanks much. My NH4 is at ~.12 and my NO2 at ~.2.
If your test kit is designed for FW, I would suggest getting a different one. NH4 in a SW environment is harmless due to the higher pH values. You only need be concerned with the NH3.

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