New pictures of tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 16, 2012
Morgantown, WV
I was able to take a ton of pics last night, these are my favs


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Very nice! What size is that? I'd suggest some kind of background to hide your wires. Otherwise beautiful! What is your stock?
Love it! :D What's your fish and plant stock? I would love to have a tank big enough for a Red-Tailed Black Shark :( What size are your tank and shark? :) Your shark is really colourful too :D
Thanks a lot guys! Im not a big fan of backgrounds but I was thinking of zip tying the cords to the corner for a better look
I love the red tail too he is always stirring things up in the tank haha
It is a 40gallon breeder tank.

My stock is
3 Angels
2 Corey cats
1 swordtail
1 red tale shark
1 Featherfin Synodontis
And 10 of the Yamato shrimp :)
Sake said:
I love that driftwood

Thanks, most of it I've had awhile but I recently added two of the larger pieces in the right, I'm hoping to get some growth on them in the next month so they match better
As for the plants I have two swords, a bunch of java moss, and the rest are random plants I got from a friends tank that have just taken off, I'm sorry I don't know the names :(
You could try a solid black backdrop if u don't like those flashy jobs they sell at the store. I hear they will help your fish to brighten up as well.
Looks great. I think you might have to get rid of the shrimp at some point or they will become food. Mine almost did.
Bbush said:
You could try a solid black backdrop if u don't like those flashy jobs they sell at the store. I hear they will help your fish to brighten up as well.

I'm going to make a trip to the store this week and try that out, I've never heard that about the fish but that would be awesome!
I picked up 3 otocinclus cats today, havnt been able to get a good pic yet though, these guys are harder to find in the mini forrest haha
The shrimp have turned out to be my favorites, their personality is just so funny and different. The red tail is always stirring up everyone but I'm not seeing any signs of stress so I'm assuming it's ok for now. I have another 20gal long I can set back up if he becomes too aggressive


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Just after that last post I got a decent shot!


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I just got some black poster board from Wally world for mine and taped it to the back. A cheap way to see if it looks any good. I hear dark substrate helps too.
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