New pictures of tank

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Bbush said:
I just got some black poster board from Wally world for mine and taped it to the back. A cheap way to see if it looks any good. I hear dark substrate helps too.

I love the look of these plants
I'm loving the look of your tank. Great job. What is your gravel / substrate?
mmille36 said:
Seachem Flourite, and some larger rocks I got from the creek

Is it just the picture or is your water a little yellow? If it is, is that from the substrate?
Lifeoffroad said:
Is it just the picture or is your water a little yellow? If it is, is that from the substrate?

Na the yellow tint in the water is coming from the tannis leaching from the new pieces of drift wood. I also use tetra backwater that results in a water tint. The fish like it and I don't mind the coloration.
mmille36 said:
Na the yellow tint in the water is coming from the tannis leaching from the new pieces of drift wood. I also use tetra backwater that results in a water tint. The fish like it and I don't mind the coloration.

Got it. That's like running peat in your filter. I may do that. My fish prefer the darker coloration in the water as well. What are the tannins. I always hear about this but never had anything on my driftwood. I left mine in hot water for a night and almost the whole next day
Lifeoffroad said:
Got it. That's like running peat in your filter. I may do that. My fish prefer the darker coloration in the water as well. What are the tannins. I always hear about this but never had anything on my driftwood. I left mine in hot water for a night and almost the whole next day

Tannins are organic compounds that are present in many different plant species and have different functions for the plants. Adding drift wood can lower ph and soften the water which is great if you have species of fish that are from the amazon basin. Soaking as you did does well for removing the tannins but I love the natural look and always my driftwood to affect the tank.
Lifeoffroad said:
Got it. That's like running peat in your filter. I may do that. My fish prefer the darker coloration in the water as well. What are the tannins. I always hear about this but never had anything on my driftwood. I left mine in hot water for a night and almost the whole next day

The downside to peat moss is that it is a more rapid decomposing material and needs to be replaced more often unlike the cured wood and black water extract
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