New planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 2, 2013
I have a 29 gallon tank that I am looking to turn Into a planted freshwater tank. I don't know to much about freshwater so what is all the equipment that I need and important info I should know
the equipment depends on what type of tank you want. low light tanks generally have much slower growing plants in them. you also don't need much equipment compared to highlight tank.
So for a low light plants what would I need exactly?
Low light plants are plants like Java Fern, bolbitis and any type of Anubias species. For lighting most flourescents will work or a fairly cheap LED light will as well. You shouldn't need CO2 for low light plants but it is a good idea to look into Seachem Flourish products like Excel or a different type of fertalizer because it will make them really happy. A good substrate would be another good thing to go ahead and get like, flourite or eco-complete because it will provide the plants some nutrients and give them a secure place for their roots. You should also check that any fish you want to put in with your plants are not going to eat or destroy them like my pleco likes to do lol.
Would regular tap water not be good for the tank?
Is that the same water you would use for saltwater fish tanks?
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