New pond water turning green

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 18, 2005
Southern California
my 2800 gallon pond is starting to turn a clowdy light green. The pond has been running for 2 weeks/ The botton is still visiable but is there anything i can do to stop it? 3000gpm pump, 4 small living koi and i added 1/2 bottle of bacteria.
I've always called my UV sterilizer my green water miracle-worker! But this season I have WAY more plants than in the past, and no green water, even with no sterilizer running.
I get GW for 1-3 weeks in spring, then it goes away on its own.

I do agree, lots of plants, esp. floaters, water hyacinth and water lettuce. Two-fold benefit: 1) massive hanging root systems, taking up nutrients at a prodigious rate; 2) they shade portions of the pond, keeping the sunlight from "powering" the single-cell GW algae.
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