New Red Claw Crab Tank - One not moving around

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 6, 2014

I have just set up a (5 gal) tank with four lovely red claw crabs. It has been about two days, and I have both land and water areas, 5 or so pieces of driftwood arranged for hiding spots, some grass (that they LOOVVEE) up on the land, and a normal filter that suctions to the side of the tank. They seem to all be getting along, but I woke up this morning, and one of them was in the exact same spot it was all day yesterday. I feared the worst when I didn't see any movement from him for awhile. I dripped a few drops of water on him, (which resulted in one of the other crabs climbing on top of him and staring at me?? :confused::)) , and he eventually perked up, and will now move his legs up and down, but will not go anywhere. I've tried putting food (pellets, small piece of spinach, even a tiny piece of pear...) right next to him, but he won't eat, and has still yet to move from that spot.

The others seem to be doing fine. I had some trouble getting them to eat, but I think they may be picking around now. One also ventured about halfway up the filter cord before I found him. As many have mentioned, no one can say they aren't adventurous little critters!

Thanks for any help you can provide!
~Z :ermm:
New Red Claw Crab Tank


Yes, I attached a picture of my tank... Unfortunately I lost the crab I posted about (I got him/her separately from the other three, and upon a brief inspection, it seems as though the original three did not want him/her in the tank). I am also distraught to say that I found another one of the (definitely male) crabs lying motionless under the filter last night. I took out most of the gravel/sand that was under it, and cleaned the entire rest of the tank. Until I can get new substrate, it is bare on the bottom. (The filter seen on the left was causing a lot of foam -because of the sand?)

On top of that, I took the filter out, cleaned it thoroughly, and now it makes a sound but will not take in/pump out water. :facepalm:

I suppose my main questions are:
-Is there a way to make the filter work?
_Is there a better filter that I should use for this small of a tank (<5 gal), such as a canister or sponge filter?
-Any other help you can provide on the layout, etc. that can be improved upon!! (I plan on getting more hiding places... the driftwood pieces I had before had white slime all over them, despite the filter being on, so I threw them away.)

I have tried to research the best possible way to set up a crab-friendly habitat, but am afraid I am still far from it. :nono:

Thanks for your help,


  • 2014-02-18 13.39.41.jpg
    2014-02-18 13.39.41.jpg
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New Red Claw Crab Tank


Yes, here is a picture of my tank. Unfortunately, the crab I had originally posted about is now gone. I had gotten him/her separately from the other three, and upon a brief inspection, it seems as though they did not want him/her in the tank. I am also distraught to mention that I found one of the other (definitely male) crabs lying motionless under the filter last night. So, I removed the gravel and cleaned the entire rest of the tank. Half of it now has a bare bottom until I can get new substrate. I also plan on adding more hiding spots (I had pieces of driftwood, but a clear/jelly-like slime developed on them despite the filter running…so I threw them away.)

Also, I took the filter out (on the left in the picture),cleaned it, and now it makes a sound when plugged in, but will not take in/pump out water. :facepalm:

So, I suppose my main questions are:
-Is there hope for my current filter/what can I do to make it work?
(Something to do with the impeller, perhaps?)

-Would a different (canister/sponge) filter be more appropriate for this small of a tank (<5 gal)? (The one I have now causes foam on top of the water - because of the sand?)
-Any other layout, etc. suggestions you can offer!

I have tried to research how to best set up a red claw crab tank, but feel I am far from it. :nono:

Thanks in advance,
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