New Seahorses

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 28, 2002
I bought 3 new seahorses yesterday, still trying to determine for sure that species, but I think they are h. Reidi

They are huge compared to my others but have settled in nicely
my daughter wants seahorses so bad but i will have to get her her own tank for that i think. heard they don't do well with other fish.
The reason they dont do well with other fish is because their needs differ tremendously. They are very slow, methodical eaters. Will literally stare at a piece of mysis shrimp for 5 minutes before deeming it worthy to snick up. Any fish that eats at a normal rate would quickly get all the food before the horses could, and they would starve. The other thing is low current, no bubbles in the water ...not your average thing for a saltwater tank.

Seahorses do well in eclipse systems. You might want to consider that at some time in the future.
They are beautiful Hara, still wish we could do Seahorses, but not that brave.

Someday! :p
Freind of mine just got 15 tank raised Dwarf Seahorses, he has them in a big 55 gallon tank with nothing.
They're all beautiful, but I think the one in the first pic on the right side is the most stunning.

I'd love to get seahorses, but I'm just starting out on my first saltwater adventure, & I don't want to rush into anything.

So just consider me jealous :]
The one you mentioned I named "fortuna"....she takes opportunity where she
finds it. ... it is the tendency of seahorses to stare at their food for several minutes before eating it..not her, she will go where the boys are looking at food, look at them as if to say "are you gonna eat that" and if they dont..she does. It is really funny to watch and she is the best eater of them all.
They're very pretty...I was lucky enough to be in the Baltimore aquarium while they were feeding their display of sea horses, and they do take their time!
I just came from looking at Reefrunner's new clown.

I have to say yet again, I am jealous!

I also never knew you could purchase sea horses. I had read somewhere that you couldn't. Odd. But they are very gorgeous. I hope you post lots and lots of pics of them!
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