new soft coral is totally limp! Help please.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 8, 2004
south FL
I just bought a pink leather coral yesterday. I acclimated it slowly and now today it is limp, totally and hanging on the small rock it was attached to by just a string. I was told to place it high in the tank w/ moderate flow. I did so and now the thing looks really bad. It is still pink but much smaller and closed up. The base that is attached is a little brown where it is letting go off the rock it came attached to. I have an open brain, a plate coral and star polyps that are just fine and all water para are fine. What to do before it gets worse? My lighting is 48" PC 2 at 10000k and 2 actinc(sp?) and the coral is maybe 12 inches from the surface. The tank is an extra tall and too hard to place any higher. Any suggestions? Thanks ahead of time.
Give it time. Leather corals can take up to a week to get used to the new conditions it's in and start opening up.
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