New tank. Almost fish ready

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 11, 2011
36g bowfront


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Somewhat. Put 3 goldfish in after letting the tank cycle for 4 days
That's not really a fishless cycle. The tank won't cycle that fast unless you find a miracle bacteria in a bottle or seed it.

Did you post a thread about it before? If so, you probably already got the whole fishless cycle spiel.
I didn't post before but have read a lot of the fishless cycle posts. Pretty much winging it...
I do. Its some cheap brand from petsmart. Don't hate me for that! I also had them test my water on Sunday but plan on taking a sample to the local fs with a good rep. Any recs for a home test kit?
ldcarr84 said:
I do. Its some cheap brand from petsmart. Don't hate me for that! I also had them test my water on Sunday but plan on taking a sample to the local fs with a good rep. Any recs for a home test kit?

The API master test kit is the best IMO. I just got a new one to replace my old one yesterday.

Most people like to see what the test results are because a fish store will tell you anything to get you to buy fish most of the time.

Are you using strips or liquid for your cheap petsmart brand? :) test strips are notorious for being inaccurate.
Ok found it online. Will have to check it out next time I'm in the store. Was planning on adding some fish this weekend
You put five ml of water in the test tube, up to the white line, and you put chemicals in for the different tests and it changes color based on how much ammonia nitrites and nitrates etc you have. And amazingly with what a klutz I am, I haven't spilled any on myself.

It's kinda fun. But it's a lot of waiting five minutes for your test to finish developing. But they're very accurate.
I can handle 5 mins. This waiting for the water to get right so i can add fish is killing me
It's where you put gravel or filter material from an already established tank. It introduces more bacteria more quickly and makes the cycle drastically shorter.
Thanks Kat. I plan on buying the liquid test kit this week
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