New Tank Cycle

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 16, 2009
long island, ny
Hi my friend is in the processing of cycling a 65g saltwater tank. I persuaded him to use a fishless cycle. In testing he has not yet received an ammonia reading. I do not understand. I used only 1 large shrimp in my 75g and received ammonia readings.

He used 2 shrimp, added on Wednesday, and still no reading.

Should he add more shrimp or are we jumping the gun?

Also his setup include about 30lb of live rock. It had some cool things growing on in and it was transported in water from the tank he got it from.

Thanks in advance.
I would give it a little more time. Did you toss it in the tank or are you using a mesh bag to hang it in there. It proably wont hurt to throw another shrimp in but probably not necessary. Also he may need more live rock. Rule of thumb is 1 pound per gallon. More if possible
Also what kind of test kit are you using. Strips sometimes aren't as accurate as liquid
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