New Tank. For a n00b

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 5, 2004
McAllen Tx
I am interested in getting into the hobby. I have been looking at 2 different all in one kits. Oceanic BioCube - 29 GALLON BIOCUBE: Kitchen & Dining
and the JBJ Nano cube 24/28 model. Now is there any reason to stay away from these types of kits? Would it be cheaper for my to get my own components? I mainly just want to have a tank that looks good with a couple fish and a couple of corals. Thanks for the advice..
There is nothing wrong with any of those kits. With the JBJ I would go with the HQI upgrade so you can house corals. Other then that they are great right out of the box.
sweet. thanks for the reply time to get reading while i wait around for payday to get this kit.
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