New Tank Idea

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 22, 2011
Queens, New York
I have a 35 long gal community tank I'm thinking of setting-up in a few months and these are the fish I'm thinking of adding some, what do y'all think? Also, what would be the best choice between sharks or cats? The quanities are my guessimates, so please feel free to advise me on the proper amount.

*Blue (2), Sun (1), Dwarf Gouramis (2)
*Silver Dollars (2)
*Platy red,blk,ora,yel (3)
*Danios (3)
*Mollies (3)
*Irridessent Sharks (2)
*Pictus Catfish (2)
Those sharks get BIG. Like, over a foot long. I don't think they would be suited for you tank.
Ok, cool, i'll take the sharks off the list. It was either those or cats, I had them in the past and wanted to have some again. What about the rest of the list, any other advice?
Moved to FW and Brackish- Getting Started.

Nix a couple of the gouramis, the pictus, and the iridescent sharks and you should be good.
You could go with a different bottom feeder. Cory cats are always a good addition. They look awesome in big shoals. Or you could try loaches. A group of kuhli loaches would be cool. Just some suggestions. Not sure if either would overstock you or not.
Yeah I looked into the Corys & Loaches, but because they're all bottom feeders I nixed them from the list. Pictus are beautiful plus they're always active that's why I choose them. Guess its back to the drawing board, like I said, I'm in my planning stages right now.
Oh, well when you wanted the catfish I assumed you were looking for bottom feeders. And there are plenty of loaches that don't just stay on the bottom of the tank. I have a golden dojo loach and he is everywhere. Plus always active.

Anyways, just my opinion. Good luck in figuring out stock!
Ever heard of porthole catfish? They have the whiskers, but stay smaller than a pictus and are not as predatory.
I agree about the advise other people gave you. But, you do still have really cool options for a tank that size even though your first ones don't work. :)
Let us know if you have any other ideas or want more suggestions.
We have a couple of pictus cats in my wife's tank, and they are sweet. But my tanks have Cory cats, and though they're bottom feeders they are all over my tanks. Really they don't seem to behave mush different than the pictus. They swim up and down the sides and search every level of my plants (fake and real). By far my favorite fish.

Really the biggest differences are that they school and seldom hide out. Again, I'm biased, because they are my favorites. In fact, got some new Panda's and Julii's tonight!
Instead of Pictus a peaceful Catfish that aren’t bottom feeders are Debauwi Catfish/ African three stripe, are mid level dwellers, very active day or night and a proper fish that shoals they are as fast and active as Danio's, groups of six or more for the full effect.

Worth noting that Pictus will normally eat what small fish they can fit in there mouths and Silver Dollars do grow large.
Ok, I have revamped my list, what do y'all think about these two options:

Option #1
-Pearl/Moon Gouramis (3)
-Blue Paradise (2)
-Platy/Swords (7)
-Pictus Catfish (2)

Option #2
*Sun (1), Dwarf Gouramis (2)
*Black Skirt Tetras (6)
*Mollies/Platys/Swords (5)
*Pictus Catfish (2)

Although I really want the Pictus, I'm leaving the option open for the Panda Corys. Also I'm gonna look into those catfish you guys are talking about.
IMO, option 1 has too many gouramis for that tank size.
For option 2, skirt tetras can be rather nippy, so I personally wouldn't put them in with gourami. I do know that some peopel have had luck with skirt tetras and long-finned fish, but I still don't recommend it. I also would cut it down to 2 gourami instead of 3. If you want to try 3, it could work, but keep a eye out for bullying.
I suggest panda corys instead of pictus cats.
I agree with absolutangel on the Black skirt Tetra's they can be nippy in the early days my mistakes (i still make them) i put a male betta in with them and they tried to shred him, but in saying that i have 7 Black Skirt's and 2 Angels and they are fine with them, in option 2 you are looking at 6 skirts which will help keep the aggression within then shoal , but like anything else its down to the individual fish.

Option 1 + 2 you have Livebearers, i prefer swordtails i keep 1 male with 4 females and 2 dwarf Gouramis, the male sword will chase the two dwarfs and push/nip mind you both Dwarfs are fine no damage and still very active, but with Platy's and Dwarf Gouramis i have never had any problem.
Hey guys I really appreciate the feedback, this is exactly what I needed in the begining before betting my Betta tanks. A 10, 5.5, and three 2gals later, I'm 11 Bettas in and bought a used 35gal long (hood/light and all) in December from my local Pet store(thought it was a great deal) and I'm itching to set it up by the Spring. So getting feedback from you guys is really helpful in me choosing which fish I should populate the tank with this time around instead of just going off what the petstore employees tell me(cause when I run my suggestions by them I get different stories).

I figured Gouramis would be too big for the cats to pick on that's why I chose them(plus they're nice looking fish). Would a whole tank of just different types of Gouramis (Sun, Moon, Pearl, (2)Red, (2)Dwarf (7total) and 2 Pictus Catfish work in a 35gal?
@tony, the Mollies/Platys/Swords are thrown in there for color contrast. I can do all swords or all mollies, it doesn't matter, I just want a varity of colors. I know they'll all in the same family that's why I grouped them together.
What is the footprint of the aquarium?
Honestly, I was thinking about the platies getting eaten, but if you cool with mollies of something else colorful, thats a different story. :)
The tank measures 42L x 13W x 13D. Yeah Mollies or Swords are cool and if so I'll get 1 male and rest females just different colors.
Ok. I am not a pictus expert, but I would think that tank would be ok. You should wait for the opinion of somebody who has owned them though and not take me word for it. :)
Yeah, I'm not rushing into it, like I said I'm trying to set this up for the spring. Researching Pictus bios say they grow to around 5-7in and the pet store employees say, "yeah they'll be ok in a 35gal"
I've never had gouramis, but from what I've read on here they can be really aggressive towards each other. So in that case I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea housing a lot of them. Someone correct me if i'm wrong.

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