New Tank Pix Question on the leathers

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0=Nitrate/Nitrite, 0=Ammonia, 8.2 PH (on the card it says normal range) I moved the leather highest in the tank for 3 weeks and still no opening. Now it is in the middle we shall see if not I don't know what to do with it. When I had the PC it didn't open either the "tentacles" reach for the light but the "flowers" do not bud open.
I feed the live liquid plankton. What else should i feed em if this is no good. Alkalinity is normal and Calcium is normal I use RedSEa test kits.
I had a problem with my leathers, I moved one and I had no pump for a while so I was using a mag 7 in the tank, they are just now opening up ( 2-3 weeks) I see little ones sometimes but everytime I had to move mine it took forever for them to open.. this maybe the case of waiting, do they open a little bit or nothing at all?
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