New Tank?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 3, 2005
East Central Florida
I just bought a 40 gal tank. I will probably do 2 Oscars. Until I can set it up, would it be ok to put my filter on my other tank (56 gal) to get the media started on it. The 56 has an Emperor 400. Would this cycle my tank faster? I plan on doing a water change when I fill up my new tank and transfer that water into the new one.
Prepare for a barrage of people who will tell you a 40 gal is WAY too small for 2 oscars. As for the filter question...great idea..definitely help cycle along.
Putting the filter on your current tank would be perfect. I'd do it for about 3 to 4 weeks, just to be safe. Then fill up the new tank, add dechlorinator, put on the filter and add fish the same day. You probably won't have a cycle, maybe a mini-cycle.

Regarding the oscars, yes, they are too large and too messy to put in a 40 gal tank. One should not be in a tank less than 55 gal. Some say 75.
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