New to planted tanks?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 21, 2011
Ok, so I have an established 55 gal cichlid tank. And was recently gifted another 55, so I'm trying to start a planted community tank with rcs, cherry barbs and guppies. I'm just wondering if my setup will do for a bit (1-3 months) until I can put more money into it. I currently have 3 guppies and mystery plants. I'm a bit ashamed of myself, I got caught up and excited then realized that it might not be sustainable. My current equipment:
55 gallon tank
River rock substrate (about 6-7 mm dia.) And iron enriched pre mixed substrate(store bought) forgot brand name. 20 # each
Whisper 150 watt heater
Penguin bio wheel 200 (cycled media from home tank)
Lighting zoo-med max plant growth only 32 watts :( highest watt instore I could find. Also, what is biggest priority for my setup?lighting?



Plants were sold as aquatic at petco and were in tanks. Any thoughts and comments to turn this mess into a sweet natural looking planted shrimp tank?
They indeed are not. The white lined ones are "White Ribbons" if my memory serves me. They are not true aquatic plants.
Did some research and others have complained about this so called " aquatic combo". All indeed are non-aquatic. Fail. Removing tonight, adding more substrate(fine), and adding 2 java ferns. Thanks for confirming, plants were only in for a week. So should be no harm in pulling and replanting.
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