New to the Forums, Here is my 10G (First Tank!)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 5, 2011
Marietta, OH
Here are some pictures of my 10 Gallon tank, currently i have two live plants (not sure what they are, lol), 3 Mollies, 2 Cardinal Tetras, 3 Glofish, 2 Catfish (Cory's I think?), a snail, and two mystery fish. The tank has been running for about 5-6 Months with no major issues. I am hoping to upgrade to a larger tank soon...

C360_2011-04-04 21-05-12.jpg

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C360_2011-04-04 21-07-17.jpg
Thanks for the compliments, the mystery fish are in the third picture down, they are pretty blurry as i could not get them to stay still for the photo op, lol. Any ideas as to what they are?
I just added an air pump with a bubble wand in the back of the tank and two small bubble stones, one in each front corner of the tank. It looks pretty good. Do fish like/care about the bubbles? It seems like they were enjoying them, my catfish actually came off of the bottom of the tank and were swimming through the bubbles.. lol. I will upload new pictures soon!
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