Newbie 50G build.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 29, 2013
Hello folks.

After losing 4 comets a couple of months ago I almost lost hope to this wonderful hobby, but I decided to investigate, study and give it another chance.

I just moved in from a 20G so I'm a bit concerned about going into another cycle, so I took my old filters and put some of the media on my canister filter to help speed up the process.

So my equipment goes as follows:

-50G tank that I built myself
-Fluval 306 Canister Filter
-Tetra EX70 (Crappy BTW)
-Elite cheap filter
-Really fine grain aquarium substrate, almost like sand

Right now I just have an Angel fish, a Swordtail and a Koi, I know that goldfish aren't compatible with tropical fish but somebody who;s getting rid of it's aquarium gave it to me so I'm in the process of setting up a new tank meant for goldfish.

So far everybody looks happy so I hope that this time I'm getting things done the right way.

I'm keeping the crappy filters for a month, then I will just leave the fluval.

Ok, so let's see some pictures then, you can see them uploaded.

My light bar has a red tube, I wonder what it is used for?

Anyways, this is my extremely amateur build, I'm all open to advice from you the experts.

Kind regards.


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Looks awesome you really built that tank yourself?
Thanks! Yeah glass is really cheap here in Guatemala and while I was in school we built several small tanks, I actually find easier to work with with much larger panels.
Hello again.

So far things are going great, I moved the koi to it's own aquarium and added 3 balloon mollys, I love the way they follow me around when I'm doing maintenance.

I removed the tetra filter and added a sponge filter, so I can have a seeded filter ready in case I need to use the QT or hospital tank.

I also added a couple of lava rocks that I found in my backyard.

Here are some pics, regards.


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I'm so jealous; here in Canada, glass costs almost as much a brand new tank.
Lovely tank. It looks pretty and so clear.
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