Newbie need some advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 22, 2008
Brampton Ontario
Hello everyone, i new to saitwater tanks. i have a new 8 gallon ocenaic biocube as of yesterday. it cost me a fortune, go figure a 8 gallon biocube on sale for 149.00 at big ale's. i got 10lbs of LR, live sand, test kit, 2 jugs of R/O water, well the total 400.00. When i was into fresh wtr. i rember getting a 65 gallon for 170.00 of course not includeing filter ect. But still..... i recently moved 2yrs ago from a house to apartment so i don't have the room i use to. i really need some advice on what fish to put in as i know it limited. i really like the clown fish but i been reading on different forums that i should really go with the golby fish. Yet the pet store people told me different, thank god i reserched. i now realize with the rock it takes up alot of space, so if you guys could help me out, i was thinking some small creatures on the sand & i'm up in the air about getting one clown fish or a couple of golbys.
Welcome to the site alanbetty. I am going to move this to the appropriate section.
Welcome aboard. Now you need to go to the SW section and post your question under the getting started forum. You`ll get plenty of help for your questions. Again welcome.
Welcome to a great site - I'm a freshwater type of guy myself but the folks in the saltwater forums know their stuff. Good luck with your tank and welcome again. :D
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