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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 6, 2003
I am planning to have a fish only I need LR?

I have a Penguin 330 and CC on an UG filter in a 55 gal tank. I dont plan to overload my tank.
the question i have is what kind of fish and do you have any hidding places for them?
I am getting some foxfaces, and yes I have hiding places for them.

I thought LR was related to biological filtration.
You do not "need" LR but it is a great biological filtration source as you've stated. I would however suggest nixing the UGF. It will be more hassle than it's worth down the road. With the 330 I would also suggest and extra PH as well. High GPH is not absolutely necessary in an FO tank but a little extra wouldn't hurt.

BTW, moving to the FO/FOWLR forum.

If I get rid of my UGF, can I get by without sand, and just use CC.

If so how many inches of CC would I need?
If your willing to get rid of the UGF, I'd go the extra step and replace the CC with sand. In an FO tank, you will have much less hassles with trapped detritus and other associated problems. If you wish to keep the CC, then keep the depth under 1½"

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