Newish tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 30, 2002
I've moved and started up my old tank. Filled it with water and let the old filter run.

I took my water sample to the LFS. They told me my ammonnia and nitrites (nitrates) were really high and I should start over completely.

I emptied the tank and am about to clean everything in it (with water only). I was thinking of using water from my betta tank to start the cycle. It's going to be an African Ciclid tank.

any thoughts? will betta water work? am I doing anything wrong?
Water will not really help much. It doesnt contain much in the way of bacteria. You need to get your hands on some seeded media.
there's a sponge in my filter of the betta tank
would that work?
If you squeeze out the sponge over your other filter's sponge, some of the bacteria will transfer. If you can tear off a piece of the sponge and cram it in with the new filter, that works even better.
You can also get something from your LFS, unless they are the type that love selling every medication in the world insteand of solving the problem.

It's at least worht a shot.
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