Next question! Substrate ...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 1, 2006
I ordered the Rena Filstar XP2 and an air pump for my 55 gallon tank that will have African cichlids in it. I'm planning on getting an inline heater as well. (Good idea??)

So I've been researching substrates and I came across Eco-Complete African Cichlid Substrate - $19.99 for 20 lbs + s/h. I think I'd need 3 bags of this stuff. Anyone familiar with this? Is it good? I know the cichlids like a higher pH. Mine is normally 7.8 when I check it.

Or should I move to the cichlid section??
are you planning on planting the tank ? I know most cichlids tear up plants and I remember a recent post on the subject that you might want to do a search for.
If you're not going to plant the tank then Eco-Complete is probably overkill since its nutrient rich (which, and I'm not stating this as a fact, just guessing) could mean algae if there are no plants.
most cichlid tanks use sand as a substrate - pool filter sand seems to be highly recommended (as well as inexpensive and readily available)
No, I wasn't planning on planting it - I was just going to put in a few fake plants.

I'll have to check out the sand - thanks!
I moved your thread to the cichlid forum.

Your ph sounds fine and you don't need the Eco-Cichlid substrate. Many of my colleagues use sand as joannde mentioned.
do you live near a beach?
beach sand is cheaper :) and looks more natural

admittedly I use pure white playsand, it excells the fishes colours.. (or is that fishi?)
Addressing the original question for clarification, Eco-Complete African Cichlid Substrate is different from Eco-Complete Plant Substrate and is actually sand which will help promote higher pH levels.

Here's a sample of what the Eco-Complete African Cichlid Substrate looks like (please disregard the fish :) )

As others have pointed out, there are other plenty of other sand alternatives.

If you choose to go with the eco-complete african cichlid substrate, two bags should work for a 55-gal.
Thanks for all the suggestions. The sands/coral are okay to use even though they are for marine tanks, right?
Sand is not just for marine tanks. Plenty of people use it in freshwater. I do not have a tank with gravel, they are all sand. I would put the crushed coral in the filter, not in the substrate. But considering that your pH is already 7.8, the coral is not going to increase it. Your level is perfectly fine for Africans, no need to try and alter it.
Coral won't alter your pH, (7.8) but it will buffer it between water changes. A heavily stocked tank produces a lot of bioload, and pH will drop over time from the biological activity.
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