Nitrate levels in tap water

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 21, 2003
Rockland County, NY
my tank has been running about 2 months, and his cycled. i just got a Nitrate test kit, so i tested my tank water, it read as 25 mg/l. on the instruction sheet it said 25mg/l or lower is ok for fish, and good for plant life. does this sound ok?

part II of this post is this...

I tested my tap water out of curiousity, and it read 12.5 mg/l. is this highly abnormal, or does tap water sometimes show traces of Nitrates in it? I'm not overly concerned, because i figure if i keep the levels at 25 mg/l or below, i'll be ok. But I thought it was a little weird my tap wasn't 0 mg/l.

- kip
The nitrate levels can vary depending on where you are, i'm jealous hahahaha. A resent test of my local tap water gave me a reading of 25mg/l. if you contact your local water board they might send you a report of what is in you local water.
Yeah, it is pretty normal to have some nitrates in your tap water. Does your tank have live plants, cuase that will help keep all of the levels in the safe zone for fish. Plus they look nice.
Hrmmm. Your tap water should NOT register nitrates like that. The EPA limits nitrates to 10 ppm as the maximum level of contamination; high levels of nitrates can be deadly to babies (read here for more info: I'd call the water supply company and ask them to check your water (and maybe have a lfs double check your tests). These rules don't apply to private well water supply in some states tho.

Think I'm going to double check mine too as I'm right across the river.

Holy cow Terry! 25 mg of nitrates in your TAP water?? You don't have an infant do you? Those kinda levels can be deadly....I'm surprised the local water supply there in your UK town can get away with that!

*high fives tkos* Simulpost! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
In the mean time, do you think it's ok for me to still be using the tap water for the water changes? Is there an easy way for me to get other water that's better?

What's the deal with distilled water? Is that any good for freshwater tanks?

People have mentioned R/O water, but I haven't seen it at my grocery store like people have said I would. I have no idea where to get it.

- kip
As long as the nitrate levels in the tank remain below 40 ppm, shouldn't be a prob. Keep in mind you're sorta starting at a disadvantage, as your fresh tank water isn't at zero, so you have less room to maneuver perchance there is some sort of nitrogenous waste spike.

My concern is more to yourself and your neighbors! Higher nitrate levels in tap are usually indicative of some sort of contaminant. Is one reason the EPA limits the allowable levels to 10ppm. Are you on a private well or public water supply?
i agree with the high nitrate. mine here in n.j. is 8ppm. thats why i bought a r.o.unit. not only do i use it for the tank,we drink it also.
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