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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 10, 2018
I have been having a problem with m cichlids flashing as if their scales are itchy been having this issue for a long time. The water was getting low where I was after setting up another tank for my holding female I took a bit of water out if it to go in the other I went and got more spring water to top it up.( I get the spring water right from the ground and I have tested the water for this spring and it's fine). I tested the water and the ammonia is 0 the nitrite is 0 and the nitrate is between 20-40ppm it's been that way for a while and I can't seem to bring it down. I have a fluval 405 cannister filter and a aquaclear 50. Plus I have a water pump to aid in circulation the tank size is 55 gallons. Filter maintenance is done at least once a month and when I do a water change I take everything out and swish the substrate to help the filter to suck up all the fish poo. We have several bottom feeders.
The substrate is only a fairly thin layer.

What could be causing my nitrate to be up?

The fish don't seem bothered aside from the flashing they are eating and. Breeding
Have you tested the spring water for Nitrate, just out of curiosity. Is that the type testing, or testing for heavy metals and toxins from a lab, as if it is drinking water?

Have you taken a magnifying glass to see if there are any Gill Flukes or fish lice, etc. on their bodies.

Pay special attention to orifices, gills, eyes. Then body of the fish for moving specs like salt or black, flat, worms may be round or flat.
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