Nitrite Levels

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 26, 2004
Illinois USA
My tank has nitrite levels in the dangerous level. Everything else (pH, nitrates, etc.) all reads in the safe level. What could be causing this? What can I do to lower it. All of my fish seem fine and are swimming around normally.
How long has your tank been operating with fish? What size tank, and what is the fish load?
As far as what is causing it, basically you are lacking the denitrifying bacteria for whatever reason. Could be it is a newish tank and the bacteria has not had a chance to multiply, or the bacteria died off due to adding too many new fish at once, treating with meds, overfeeding, removing gravel or decorations, aggressive cleaning, an undiscovered dead fish, etc.

Those are the typical things that might cause it.
So will it just level out over time or do i need to do something special for the nitrite level to drop again? The tank has been running for six weeks with 4 gold barbs and 5 dannios. I added a dojo loach yesterday (the tank had been cycled since week 4). Could the addition of the loach be the cause of the spike?
If that is the only change to the setup, I guess it could be, especially if you gave extra food to pamper the new guy (that's my tendency, anyway, LOL!).

You will need to do some frequent partial water changes several times a week to get the nitrite level down, and also it could not hurt to add a bubble wand or lower the tank water level to create splashing and increase surface agitation - high nitrate makes the fish oxygen starved. I am glad they don't appear to be in distress. Have you tested the nitrite several times to be sure it is correct? Might not be a bad idea to buy a new test kit (liquid reagent kits are more reliable than paper strips) and recheck it, just to be sure.

Over time the denitrifying bacteria will repopulate and all will be well, and you will just need to protect the fish from the stress of high nitrite in the meantime.
Thanks so much for all your help! I do have a bubble wand in my tank as well as an underground filter so there is lots of oxygen in the water. I did a small water change and will plan to do the same the day after tomorrow. Thanks again! Hopefully those nitrite levels will be down in no time :lol:
Thanks so much for all your help! I do have a bubble wand in my tank as well as an underground filter so there is lots of oxygen in the water. I did a small water change and will plan to do the same the day after tomorrow. Thanks again! Hopefully those nitrite levels will be down in no time :lol:
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