Nitrites high after 24 hours, but zero at 36 hrs?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 10, 2013
I've been testing every morning around 9am, nitrites have showed off the charts every morning, business as usual. This weekend I was gone for the night, and didn't do my tests til the next evening, about 36 hours apart. Nitrites and ammonia showed zero. Checked again 24 hours later and nitrites were back up. I left it til this morning, a)to replicate the zero reading and b) to get back on my morning schedule. This morning, the nitrites showed zero again. So basically in 24 hours I'm not converting a noticeable amount of nitrites, but in 36 hours it's gone. Is this normal? This morning instead of dosing up to my4ppm of ammonia like usual, I dosed about half, just to see what happens in 24 hours. Was this a decent idea or should I keep on the 4ppm schedule and not foul that up?

Thanks guys and gals!
Dosing half is fine, I don't think it will matter much. I'd try for a little longer to convert 4ppm in 24hrs rather than 36, but I'd say you're basically there.
Thank you :) today the nitrites read .25, and I dosed up to around 3ppm yesterday, so I think your right, I'm almost there :)
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