nitrItes in new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 6, 2006
southern ky
i have been doing a fish-in cycle for a couple of weeks now with a betta and snail in a filtered 5.5 gallon tank. i have gotten to the point where my ammonia stays at zero and my nitrItes are sky high. i have been getting readings of 5.0 with my freshwater master test kit from aquarium pharmaceuticals.
last night i did a 40 precent waterchange and today it is still at 5.0.
if i am not mistaken this is deadly? do waterchanges even help with nitrIte? how much do i need to change? seems like waterchanges are not doing anything.
i have not been feeding for a couple of days due to the high nitrIte level.
not sure what to do, help please
It is deadly to the betta for sure. Do another water change just don't gravel vac. You need to keep the nitrites below .5ppm to not harm the betta. You can do water changes daily of 50% at least to keep the nitrites down. Always add dechlorinator to the new water.
yes, so far i have been donig just what you said.
but 40 precent changes.
this has only been going on for two days. hopefully it will drop soon.
thanks a lot
Feed sparsley too, perhaps skipping every other day, and keep up the water changes.

And Welcome to AA!
thanks for the warm welcome!
also if i feed very little i am scared my snail will go hungry? any input on that
oops i tested nirAtes instead of nitrItes last night.
nitires are at zero!
sorry guys, im a noob
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