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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 3, 2003
Kansas City, Mo
I got a Percula Clown and an Auriga Butterfly this weekend and neither of them has eaten yet. I've tried flake food with brine shrimp and also some frozen mysos shrimp, but no luck with either.

My fish ate either option before with no problem. Then I had a sudden die-off (I think from an amonium spike) and nothing's been the same since. My levels seem to be good now. After several weeks of cycling I tried adding a clown and he died from not eating. That was about 2 weeks ago, so I tried again and I REALLY don't want these two fish to die.

Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions? The only fish I can keep alive is a blue damsel and I'm getting pretty annoyed. Please help me stay in this hobby.......

How long have you had the tank? Are you letting it cycle properly? Also, What fish do you have in the tank? if they are not compatable, they may not be eating becuase of stress.
The tank has been set up for probably 5 months. I've let it cycle after every time and have been checking the water weekly. Right now I only have a small blue damsel, a choc. chip star, and a few hermit crabs. The damsel MAY be stressing the clown from chasing him everyone once and a while, but the butterfly looks very healthy and is very active. He doesn't seem stressed at all.
How is your water chemistry? Could you post what you are testing for and the levels your tank are at.
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