No roots yet/ Gravel vac

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 25, 2005
minnesota usa
I'm posting this because i have not gotten a reply in my other topic.

I bought a bunch of anacharis a little over 2 weeks ago now and i planted it in my gravel and there still is no roots. The bottom of the stalk is turning a yellow/white/brown color. Some of the branches are turning a little bit yellow too.

Any ideas on why they have not rooted? I'm not adding any ferts yet because i still have nitrates. Could they just be slowly dying?

Another question, i was wondering about how often to gravel vac. My tank is heavily planted so would it be a good idea to gravel vac only when there is a ton of gunk in the substrate? Since i've started my aquarium i've done it once about a 3 weeks ago, i started my tank up sometime in april i believe. I just want them to have nutrients and i dont really want to uproot them or harm them.
What kind of planted tank do you have? is it a high light CO2 injected tank or low light low tech tank? how much light do you have?
Are the brown parts of the stem shaded from light? You can ditch the dying half and the rest will grow better. Anacharis won't really root and may prefer to float, but does well in substrate.

If you think the tank needs a gravel vac, it probably does. You don't have to shove the vac into the substrate or uproot your plants -- just work around the plants. :)
Well i dont have co2 injection. Its natural sunlight and i use a 24 watt fluro bulb when i'm looking at my fish.No they're not shaded from the light. The bottom part of the stalk untill the first branch of "leaves" or what ever you would call them in this plant has a reddish yellowish color. I was told that it would root in a few days or so. I have 11 aponogetons ( 8 i just recieved from a replacement lily bulb order ) 8 lilys and 6 clumps of anacharis. I sent back 5 lily bulbs and got back 16 bulbs that were already germenating :mrgreen:

I was thinking of maybe putting a few aponogetons in 1 gal glass jars since they are too big for my tank, theres like 6 inches of every leaf floating at the top of my tank. That way i could maybe put a betta inside or something.
Can i trim the leaves on the aponogeton? Like cut a few leaves? Or will this kill the leaf? Or maybe cut a leaf or to at the bulb?

That way i wont have so many floating leaves at the top. Or so many in general.
IME anacharis is in a constant state of dying outmatched only by its growth rate. As czcz said it rarely roots. Unless the whole stalk starts dying just nip off the dead part and replant the rest. I am constantly trimming off leaves from my aponogeton. Trim the close to the bulb, as a cut leaf will begin to rot.
The anacharis is planted in clumps of 2 or 3 stems....

I'll try cutting off a leaf or two. And trim off the dead part on the bottom stalk thanks
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