Noisy Wet-Dry intake....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 4, 2003
Daytona Beach Fl.
Well I finally got my FWT up and running and the wet-dry input tube that feeds the filter, that is below the tank, makes so much noise I can't operate the filter and watch T.V. at the same time.

I was able to quiet it down by attaching a piece of sponge on the top of the intake tube BUT it slowed the amount of water flowing to my wet-dry. I had to remove it as the flow was so slow the sump pump wasn't getting enough water and if left unattended the wet-dry filter it would run dry which can damage the motor.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

To clarify what my tank looks like: I have a tower at one end that hides the piping that goes thru the bottom of the tank to and from the wet-dry filter. The level of the water is such that it overflows the tower to the point where the input pipe feeds the filter and after flowing (by gravity) thru the medium/bio balls it is then pumped back up thru the tower into the tank.

Any further questions please ask but what I am looking for is an answer. Thanks.
First you need to isolate where the noise is coming from. If it is water noise from the overflow tube, you may consider a Durso standpipe. More info here:

or Goggle "Durso standpipe" for tons of info on how to build a quiet overflow.

If the noise is from water splashing in the wet-dry, you might consider putting some batting at the outflow to soften the noise. I have also read that some folks have the outflow to the wet-dry at an angle so the water flows down gently rather than making a big splash.

Is the noise a gurgling? LIke its sucking air? If so you can add a breather tube, basicly just a lenght of airline tubing, down the overflow drain. SLowly lower it till the gurgling subsides then secure the airline tube in place by cliping to the side of the overflow.
Problem almost solved.

Thanks for the responses.

The noise is from the input overflow pipe and by utilizing the Durso standpipe method, thanks to joosong it is just about solved.

I was able to eliminate almost all of the noise by using fishfreek's suggestion, by using a drinking straw, but it also created water level issues with my filter.

Another slight problem is that the output pipe caused a reverse flow when the filter was shut off so I had to drill a couple of holes in it to avoid the backflow into the filter.

What I believe is my main problem was included within the Durso standpipe literature, - "If you have a 1" bulkhead connector you should use a 1 1/4" pipe for the overflow pipe as a 1" pipe will not work"-
The author admits in the article that he doesn't know why this is so just that it is. I may make this modification even though it involves draining the tower and making sure the wet-dry will handle the water.

I shall keep you up to date as to what happens. Thanks to all that responded.
jsoong, a word of thanks

I followed the instructions as suggested at the Durso Standpipe site and after changing the overflow pipe to 1 1/4 inch the noise has been completely eliminated.

It is a pleasure to be able to get advice from a fellow aquarium addict that solves a very annoying problem.

As I said earlier - Thanks!!
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