Non-aquatic plants often sold as aquarium plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 15, 2015
Bratislava, SK
:nono: Beware! Suitable only for paludarium or terrarium:

Both tropical fish shops and online retailers are guilty of sometimes selling non-aquatic plants masquerading as aquarium plants. Commonly traded species include:
Acorus gramineus (Japanese rush)
Aglaonema simplex (Malayan swordplant)
Chlorophytum bichetii (Wheat plant, Siam lily)
Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella plant, aquatic palm)
Dracaena deremensis (Green dracaena)
Dracaena marginata (Dragon tree)
Dracaena sanderiana (Lucky bamboo)
Eleocharis spp. (Hairgrass)
Fittonia verschaffeltii (Nerve plant)
Hemigraphis exotica (Purple waffle)
Ophiopogon japonicus (Mondo grass)
Pilea cadierei (Aluminum plant)
Selaginella willdenowii (Umbrella fern, peacock fern)
Trichomanes javanicum (Aquatic fern, Borneo fern)

None of these plants will last long in aquarium. In some cases they actually work quite well as marginal plants around ponds (for example Japanese rush) but most are simply garden plants or houseplants that somehow had the misfortune to end up in the tropical fish trade.

Source: Tropical Fish - The ultimate UK fish keeping resource for all types of tropical and marine fish, including fish books, articles, fish shops, fish clubs and more.
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