'Nother Eel!

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God of primitive fishes
Dec 4, 2003
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Well, at last night's aquarium society potluck I was awarded (for most points in our club mini-shows) with a $50 credit at an LFS. So today I ran right down there and bought 16oz of bloodworms, 8 oz of frozen daphnia....and a new fire eel (about 8" long).....he seems to be settling in nicely. Soon I will have as many eels as I do bichirs. :wink:
Hey Toirtis....

My favorite LFS just got in a shipment of 'Congo Spiny Eels'. They're African Mastacembelids that don't come from the Rift Lakes but I can't pin down the genus and species of these guys yet. Typical Spiny Eel shape and appearance but a very unique pattern of spots. I think I'm going to pick one up this weekend.

Pictures! I need pictures! Waitaminute....not Aethiomastacembelus congicus perchance?

I always search LFS's peacock/tyretrack/fire/barred eel tanks for something else interesting that might have slipped in with the shipment, but nothing exciting yet.

I am now at:

3 fire eels
2 barred spiny eels
2 tyretrack/zig-zag eels
2 peacock eels
Could be Aethiomastacembelus congicus, though the Fishbase picture doesn't do it justice. I guess I'll just have to go back and buy one just to be sure. :D

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