nothing happening !!!!! any suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2005
Cardiff United Kingdom
well balloon mollie has still not had her fry???? I had to move her back to her large tank as I had a cloud emplotion in the QT tank I think it was an algae bloom..any way put her back in tank ..Jug method..again no stress that I could see anyway,but she is still very large,so yesterday I put her into a breeding net in the large tank and she is still there and no fry???that makes it about 4 maybe 5 weeks!! I know that they can take up to about 40 days ,but is she hanging on to them? I have feed her frozen black worms,as they say it entices question is how long shall I keep her in the breeding net?
anyone got any idea's all the water parameters are all fine she is eating well .... and pooping well...LOL .any suggestions
I've always have my Guppies and Endlers have their fry in the community tanks, which are always heavily planted with some plants floating on top. They have always survived just fine. My last batch of 5 endler females were about 100 fry, got them all and transferred them to a breeder net. I would just try it without having her in a lonely "prison". Maybe she will get the fry then...
Moving a pregnant fish is not a good idea. I know there are sometimes when this is avoidable but moving stress them out a great deal as do breeding nets and traps. They are under enough stress as it is. If you want more fry, you should set up a small (5 or 10 gallon ) tank for breeding purposes. The next best thing is a planted tank with lots of hiding places for fry (rockwork works also). If you keep moving her, she could pass from stress or eat her fry when she has them.
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