ok so I got my tank but how do I clean it? (acrylic)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2005
San Diego Ca
so I got my new/used tank and its kinda fogy and dirty but I have no idea how to clean it...so what do I use? I heard someone used like viniger or something...what do all of you recomend?

forgot to add that its dry right now and has been for about 3 weeks so Im tryong to get like the scales and the fog off...I know the fog will go away once it gets wet...but...it would be nice to get it off now

and if it matters my tank is a 55 gal
The fog sounds like just water stains. Like you said, it will go away when it gets wet. I've used vinegar to get rid of algae, but found bleach to be a better alternative. You may want to try 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. And rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse. I would fill the tank with water in a bathtub or someplace where nothing can get into it (kids, pets, get tipped over) and then add the bleach and let it sit for a couple hours. Then empty it and start the rinsing process with VERY hot water. And keep doing it until you can't smell bleach anymore. Then fill the tank up, 4X dose with dechlorinator, and let sit overnight and do it again. It may be overkill, but when working with bleach, it's best to be safe than sorry.
I cleaned my new/used 55 gal tank with vinegar & water and it worked great to remove the white crusty build-up, green stuff and made the glass so clean. Just rinse it all very well over and over. I did it outside on an old chairpad as 55 gallons are HUGE, I don't think it would fit too well in a bathtub! :wink:
I forgot to mention, it did take some elbow grease and someone to help me tip it up and over to rinse the inside out, but it was pretty easy really.
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