Okay to add more fish yet?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2004
Okay, tested the water, here's the new parameters:

Amonia: .25 ppm
NitrAtes: 20-40 ppm (it was darker than the 20, but lighter than the 40)
NitrItes: 0 ppm
pH: 7.0

I hate to add new fish so soon, but my platy is a schooling fish, and i think he's getting stressed from being alone. Is it okay to add more fish yet? How would I go about getting the current and new ones to get along alright?
The priority here is really the stress from ammonia over the stress from being alone. I'm sure your platy will be fine. Wait until that ammonia level has dropped to 0, and the nitrite level has done the same, then add more fish...
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