Old and empty 10 gallon!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2005
I have an empty 10 gallon tank that has been kept in storage for about a year or so and I'd like to get it up and running again as a quarantine /growing tank for some new fish. I'm hoping to get a pair of young (dime - nickel sized) Angelfish to eventually add to my 75 gallon. I'd like to start them out young so I can watch them grow up into adulthood. To do this, I'd like to start them out in the 10 gallon which would serve as both a quarantine tank and also a grow up tank until they're large enough to move over to the 75 gallon.

My questions are...
  • Since this tank has been in storage empty for at least a year (probably closer to 2), how should I clean it?
  • How long would a pair of Angles be comfortable in a 10 gallon?
  • I have an XP3 filter running on my 75 gallon which has baskets for the media. I'm thinking I should be able to put a filter for the 10 gallon in the XP3 to speed up the fishless cycle. How long should I leave it in there to get the best results?
Any other advice would be welcomed!

PS. I know the barbs may pick on the anglefish. I will have plan in place should something go wrong.
I don't know whether or not you gain much having them start in the 10g for much more than a couple of weeks as a guarantine. Is there any chance you could trade out to have the tigers in the 46 and the angels in the 75? You maybe could swap the tetras and rasboras with the barbs?

Does anyone know if the ropefish make this a bad call?
1. You can just clean it with water and some paper towels, that should be fine.
2. I think they will be comfortable in a 10 gallon when they hit between quater and half dollar size.
3. I suggest you leave it in there for 2-3 weeks and it should be fine.

You will deff. have to watch those barbs.
Thanks for the advice guys. As far as switching the Tetras and Rasboras, I could switch the Tetras no problem, but unfortunately I think the Rasboras would become a meal for the Ropes. The 46 gallon in my signature is where I work, but I've swapped fish out before so it's definitely do-able. My boss also has a tank in her office with some Tetras and Barbs. Worst case if my Barbs don't agree with the Angels I could give her the Barbs and I could get a different schooling fish in my tank.

I'm not sure how they will be with Angelfish and the only way to find out is to give it a try. I will say that they never bother my Gouramis which from what I've read isn't a really good combo either. So far, I've had no problems so I do have hope that the Barbs will stick to harassing each other instead of the Angels. I will still keep a very close eye on things and will have a plan in place just in case I need to swap someone out. I really love Angels and would LOVE to give them a shot! My tank is just calling for a centerpiece fish!! :)
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