Old Chemicla test kits.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 31, 2011
I was looking through a box and found some old test kits for ph, nitrates and one other, they are pretty old, is it ok if i still use them?
The ones that my parents used a few years ago still are accurate for me. I would try it, and see if it seems like those results are correct. If you have the money to spare, it's best to buy a new one though.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
API I believe they suggest to dispose after 3 years. The manufacturing date is the last numbers MMYY.
I don't have API. It's aquarium pharmaceuticals and it doesn't have an expiration date. With getting ready to move and all, we are trying to save any money we can by using whatever still works. If a new test kit is available, great, in my case, that isn't available.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
I think API is aquarium pharmaceutical. If you look at the lot number on each bottle, it will have random letters and the last 4 numbers are the month and year it was manufactured.

I understand about the money issue. I have to really stop salivating when I see planted tanks because anything extra is just not feasible right now. My youngest son is turning 1 in a week and my oldest is turning 4 in a month. 2 birthday parties a month apart makes a broke mommy and daddy LOL.
Oh. Okay. It seems to work properly. Knock on wood. Mom wouldn't buy me another kit. She doesn't understand. Sigh.

Happy Bday to them! Of course if you tell them Bettababe says happy birthday, they would probably say, "Huh?". Lol.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
I don't have API. It's aquarium pharmaceuticals and it doesn't have an expiration date. With getting ready to move and all, we are trying to save any money we can by using whatever still works. If a new test kit is available, great, in my case, that isn't available.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.

Heya, I have noticed a few posts asking about aquarium pharmaceuticals v API. They are one in the same: Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Incorporated


+1 for kenny. API is a lot easier (and cheaper) to print than Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Incorporated.

Snorkleboy, the general rule with API stuff is it's good three years from the manufacture date. As itsgracia said, the manufacture date should be the last four digits of the numbers on the bottle. You can also test the solutions on water of known parameters to check if they're still good.

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