One bad evening

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 10, 2008
Elk River, Minnesota
Well the neighbor kids were over playing with my son tonight they are ages 5 and 6. Well about an hour after they left I noticed like half a can of fish food at the bottom of my Black Convict tank. it covered nearly the whole bottom of the tank. Son says he doesn't know who did it.
Anyways I had to vacuum out the gravel add more water and vacuum some more in oder to clean out all the food.
Then top it off when I was done with that I notice the temp in the tank was at about 95 degrees. I was like OMG!!! So I then got it back down to about 80.
Well with all that the fish are doing fine and swimming all around as if nothing had happened. Thank God!!
Oh I was so mad at the kids they were just lucky they were gone when I noticed it or they would be hurting right now. I swear I was soooo mad.
What a night.
did you put too hot of water or was it the heater? good catch and save before any real damage could happen. always hide food lol
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