one bully fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 12, 2021
I have a 110 litre tank stocked with various types of Barbs.
One of the Green Barbs has always been the bully of the Tank but mostly they have all got along.
Lately we have noticed some have their tails nipped, one quite badly.
I have a spare smaller tank so we have moved the bitten ones to this to give them a break and a chance to recover.
Previous to this we had taken out the bully barb and put him on his own,we have also changed the decor of the tank around, He seemed to calm down for awhile but soon was back to his usual chasing them.
Our LFS said we could take him back to them,but we are loathe to do so, he is such a good looking fish and we have had him a year now.
We have had fish deaths also and I am not sure if they were to do with this or not( two had ripped up fins,the others just as normal)
What would be the best plan?
I do not really want to have two tanks set up forever, but I also do not want to get rid of the barb if we can help it.
It might help if you can give a complete list of the number and each type of fish you have. Green Tiger Barbs can be nippy toward other fish. I usually kept them in their own tank.
So I have
X3 Albino Barbs
X3 Tiger Barbs
x2 Green Barbs
X2 Black Phantom
X3 Red Phantom
X3 gold(chinese) Barbs
X3 Black Ruby Barbs
X3 Denison Barbs
and one Platy
The Green Barb seems to concentrate on two of the Albino Barbs and sometimes the other Tiger Barbs, None of the others he bothers( the Dens chase each other but no nipping nor do any of them seem bothered)
You might have to just give the bully away especially when it's causing so much problems in your tank. Barbs usually do well in groups of 8 or more, of course thats not always the rule. I have a 40 gallon with about 13 tiger barbs and it wasn't till I added more than 6 barbs that the tank settled, there was lots of chasing and nipping with the smaller group.
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