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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
I have one red velvet molly in my 90 gallons tank-however today I noticed fry in the tank! Is this possible or am I totally insane and/or missing something here?
Mollies, as well as most other livebearers, can become pregnant up to 8 times from one fertilization. I'd guess it came from the store knocked up.
I find that most livebearer's come from the lfs pregnant. I separated my male and female guppies 3 months ago and the females are still giving birth to fry. Hopefully they are almost done.
Well, seeing as how they're capable of going 8 rounds on one tank of gas, and that gestation is about 28 days, you could be looking at a few more months yet. Have fun!
I'm in the same boat,I have 2 platy's that keep popping out little one's,The first day i brought them home there were fry in my tank and that was 2 month's ago and they are still popping them :roll: My girl friend love's having the babie's so she made me go get a male to make sure they keep on coming :evil:
shumway said:
I'm in the same boat,I have 2 platy's that keep popping out little one's,The first day i brought them home there were fry in my tank and that was 2 month's ago and they are still popping them :roll: My girl friend love's having the babie's so she made me go get a male to make sure they keep on coming :evil:
LOL i bought 4 female platys last week sunday, and tonight at about 10pm i saw 3 fry in my 10 gallon i am so excited, power to the breeders, i hope they stay alive.
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