Ongoing Tiger Barb Issues, seriously at a loss here...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 1, 2006
Vermont, USA
Since starting my tank I have lost 2 tiger barbs, another now doesn't look like he'll be long (the other healthy...orginally had 4 with intentions of adding two more once my LFS had some stock in). Unfortunately I do not have a quarentine tank available nor can I afford one at this time.

This time, I'm noticing he is lacking in the vibrant color the other one is displaying...his colors are definately faded, however not noticing any form of fungal (and/or ICK) symptoms that I can see (ICK I'm very familiar with and he is not scratching, no white spots, ect ect). He was eating today, but is less active than he used to be and consequently being terrorized particulary by my gold barbs...who used to leave the tigers alone really. My other tiger looks fine and is acting very robust....but so was the other until the last 2 days, and so was the other that has since died (the first tiger to die, was a bad fish from the store, and never was right when I got him).

I have no clue what's wrong. Someone on either this forum or another, suggested feeding peas as it could be constipation, but I've seen him poop today, so I don't think this is the problem. I will give it a shot though. I have added aquarium salt and just did a partial (nearly 25%) water change...though my ammonia and nitrite are both at 0 (nitrate at 5 and holding). His belly looks fine, but his colors are definately muted. He tends to hang around by the heater (though the tank is a steady inbetween 75-80). The two tigers who have passed away exhibited the same tendency to hang by the heater.

I've researched like a demon, but unable to draw any conclusions. Sorry for the length, wanted to include as much info as possible.

Maybe someone here has had a similiar problem? My gold barbs are as happy as can be, love the buggers (very fiesty at feeding time), and thus far the only problem I've had has been with my tigers.

The tank is approx. a few weeks old (with fish), but was set up at least a month prior before adding the fish. If that info helps any....

I realize tigers perfer larger numbers in their school, but I am VERY hesitant to add any more tigers at this time, because I've been losing them.
Your water params suggest that the tank is cycled. How about the surface agitation? Is your water getting well oxygenated?

You may have just gotten a sickly batch of tigers. :(
Well oxygenated. Currently using an Marineland Emperor 280 filter which is supposed to work well for oxygenation.

So frustrating, b/c I feel like I'm doing something wrong here. Even worse when I go to take a look at the sick tiger barb, and he come swimming slowly over to the front of glass right where I'm standing :(
Should note I do not have live plants in my tank to help out with oxygenation, however (no experience with live plants)
I have not kept barbs, but this sounds like a stress issue to me. Loss of color is an indication of stress. I would try to get the tiger barbs away from the gold barbs and see if that perks the tiger barbs up. You don't need another tank for QT. A large Rubbermaid container will do. Make sure it's well-aerated and has a heater. You will probably have to do a water change daily unless you want to put another filter on the QT with some of your media. If the fish perk up, then maybe it was just the stress from the other gold barbs. If they don't get better, then maybe it was a bad batch of fish, unfortunately.

If the tigers do get better, then they need to be reintroduced to the tank in larger numbers to better fend off the gold barbs. You could keep the two you have in QT (do you have two from your original four or just one now?) and introduce three or four more, or what your tank can hold without overstocking. Hopefully they will all get along, and you can add them to the main tank. A larger school of tiger barbs, as you suggested, will do better with the gold barbs. Just monitor parameters of the main tank closely if you add four or so fish back in. Hope this helps - I've never had barbs but I think this is what I would try in your situation.
I do have tiger barbs, and it does sound like you got a sick batch of tigers. Also, the stress with the golds doesn't help much either. If he's still alive, try placing him in a QT, like a rubbermaid or a 5G bucket, with heater and air stone, to see if he bounces back. It may take a few days, but just feed lightly and for lighting, just the ambient room light will be good enough, lower light will help with reducing stress as well. Let us know how things go.
I had a heck of a time when I first started with tiger barbs...I think I had every disease in the book....I virtually let them die off, although 1 of them was a fighter. After his fins grew back (fin rot), I got him some more friends...I haven't lost a fish in my big tank for a long time now....I starting feeding them less and I do weekly water changes. I find this keeps the pH at a good's a bit high in my neighbourhood, but I found trying to mess with it, just made things worse.... Now they are always hungry, but a lot of fun to watch. Hang in there I know how frustrating it is. They are worth it.....they are still my favourite fish. I love when they peck at my arm when I am cleaning the tank.
Actually in watching the tank I do not believe it's the gold barbs, but my other healthy tiger barb terrorizing the other. However, I believe my two that have died, were sick fish from the store (they never displayed lack of color like this one)....but the problem with this may very well be bullying by my other tiger barb.

My gold barbs, pretty much stay together and leave him alone (actually there is one who hangs out with him from time to time *not being antogonizing*). The only time my gold barbs give any other fish problems is at feeding time (which is expected for them since they are aggressive eaters....but the tigers just have learned to wait at the bottom to get what falls down).

I may try QT, but I do not feel comfortable putting him in my bucket...I dont have an additional heater at this time as is and honestly am not overly comfy with that idea.

On a positive note he DOES have color back today :) Very happy to see that, and I noticed a fin looks nipped at and I do suspect my other tiger barb is the culprit from what I've wittnessed today. I feel like a fool, I should have thought it might have been stress from bullying. But the symptoms were so similiar to the two that died, I didn't even consider it till you all mentioned it.
I'd definitely get a few more then, about the same size. That way there's less bullying. Also, if he loses color again, might try turning the lights out to reduce stress to see if he get's his color back. Hopefully he stays just fine.
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