Opaline Gourami May Be On His Way Out!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2005
It seems as though I may have to return one of my fish to the lfs.Things have been going great with all of the fish, but over the past several days my Opaline Gourami has decided that he is the king of the aquarium. He's often seen chasing the Gold Gouramis and Pearl Gouramis. He's also gone after the Rams a couple of times. I've thought about getting another one or perhaps a pair, but I think that might cause more of a problem than it's worth. I'm very disappointed because this is one of the fish that I was so looking forward to keeping, but it's just not working out. I'm afraid he's going to stress the rest of the Gouramis out and end up killing them. :(
gouramis are a little aggressive and will establish a pecking order. its entirely possible that getting rid of him...one of your gold or pearls will start doing the exact same thing.

chasing is normal and not something you should worry about. but if he's actually harming the other fish (ramming them, torn fins, etc) then he might be a little too aggressive for your tank.
All my gourami have done that whenever I add new ones, but within a few days its subsided and everyone is happy.

I agree with malkore, as long as there's no nipping involved then there's nothing to worry about.
It's pretty weird because I would think that the aggression would be worst during feeding time, but he actually seems to turn into tamest fish at feeding time. He'll back off and let the others eat and then he'll get some and back off again. Within minutes though he's back to chasing them around. None of the other fish are showing signs of stress, but I'm worried that if I let it go on there will be problems eventually. Maybe it just looks worst to me than it really is. I'll continue to watch to make sure nobody is stressed or getting hurt.
My male betta chases my fish all the time and has for months. He even tries to chase Bud, my 5" BN without much success as Bud just flairs back and my male betta just goes off and pouts.
I have the same problem with my Opaline. He is in my 29g with neons, glowlights, panda cories, ottos, and albino cories...all smaller fish. He is about 4 inches and will chase the neons and glowlights around. He is a huge bully! I posted on here before about him.

I added a Bolivian ram once and he wouldn't leave her alone....I had to move her out.

I'm actually planning on setting up a tank focused on him with small fast moving fish. Its going to be a biotope tank. Hopefully with a little more room (new tank is 38g) and faster fish, he'll get tired of bothering them...hopefully.....

As long as he isn't physically hurting him, I'd just leave him be. If he is, I'd return him, but keep in mind that the others may follow his lead in the bullying, as malkore said.

I think Opalines are the most aggressive gourami....if I would have known that, I would have chosen a different centerpiece.
GouramiFanatic said:
It's pretty weird because I would think that the aggression would be worst during feeding time, but he actually seems to turn into tamest fish at feeding time. He'll back off and let the others eat and then he'll get some and back off again. Within minutes though he's back to chasing them around. None of the other fish are showing signs of stress, but I'm worried that if I let it go on there will be problems eventually. Maybe it just looks worst to me than it really is. I'll continue to watch to make sure nobody is stressed or getting hurt.

I know how you feel. I used to think about that the same way. It isn't really as serious as it seems. They just do what is natural to them.
Most of my gouramis are the same way. At feeding time everyone gets their food but once that's over, they chase each other.
Those gouramis are quick enough to avoid harm when given enough room. A 75g is plenty. :wink:

Getting a few more would help spread the aggression even more.
Thanks Rok - I was hoping you'd respond with your experience as I know you seem to have the taste in fish that I do. Now, when you say 'Getting a few more would help spread the aggression' do you mean more Gouramis in general or more Opalines? I'm definitely open to both ideas as I love Gouramis. I just don't want to end up with a crowded tank full of big bullies! :)
Some more female opaline and/or gold.

I have 1 male and 3 females in my 55g and the male does most of the chasing. With 3 girls, hiding places, and lots of room, none of them have gotten injured or stressed much at all.

My 75g has a male pearl, blue and snakeskin. Snakeskin gouramis are quite peaceful so he is not really a problem. The male pearl and blue are the kings of the gouramis in this tank. 5 females keep them quite busy so they are not focusing on just each other. I'm thinking about adding a female pearl too.

Therefore, I'd recommend at least 2 females per male.
Thanks again Rok. Is there an easy way to tell on the spot if they're male or female? I've done some reading on it and I know it's noticable in the size/shape of their fins, but even using that method I have a very difficult time in telling the sexes apart.
My Opaline, to date, has killed two Neons (completely consumed one, half the other) and I suspect he had a hand in killing a Cherry Bard and Oto (but have no proof). Ever fish I put in there he bugs the heck out of except White Clouds. Never bothers them.

He now sits in a different tank by himself until I figure out what to do with him.
how many gourami's do you have alltogether?

i had the same problem with angel fish, only had two of them, and one will try to establish his dominance, by harassing or killing the others, but when you add several more, he will cool down (hopefully) he should back off because they know they cant stake a claim over half a dozen fish, if you have many gourami's and the opaline is still being a jerk, get like (i know it may be a more costly solution) 4 more opaline. although this worked for me, i cant promise it for your opaline
trade him in for some moonlight gourami, there probably the most passive gourami ive seen, they do get 6" though
Got a quick question for ya'll. I have a 20gal fw tank with 4 Zebra Danios, 2 Cherry Barbs, and 2 Otos (which were just added today). I would like to get a Dwarf Gourami, or more if thats better, for our tank. Which ones would you recommend for our current population? That's assuming there's a difference in temperament. Also, as I just alluded to, what would be a good number to get?

Thanks! 8)
might want to post that as a new topic, i do like my moonlight gourami's though, other gourami's seem sluggish
An update on my situation - I haven't added any new Gouramis yet. Things seemed to have calmed down a little bit. I'll continue to monitor them to make sure everyone is happy and healthy.

jbirdag96 said:
Got a quick question for ya'll. I have a 20gal fw tank with 4 Zebra Danios, 2 Cherry Barbs, and 2 Otos (which were just added today). I would like to get a Dwarf Gourami, or more if thats better, for our tank. Which ones would you recommend for our current population? That's assuming there's a difference in temperament. Also, as I just alluded to, what would be a good number to get?

Thanks! 8)
In my 46 gallon tank at work I have a pair of male Flame Dwarf Gouramis along with some Danios and Cherry Barbs. The Gouramis are never seen harrassing the Danios or Barbs, likewise the Danios or Barbs are never seen harrassing the Gouramis. They seem to be pretty compatible with each judging from my personal experience. I don't know that I'd get more than 1 Dwarf Gourami in a 20 gallon tank though. They are kind of aggressive towards each other and they need their own territories. I wouldn't say for sure that they would be ok in a 20 gallon.
RoK said:
Did my last post on this thread help you at all to tell the differences?
Yes, but no... :lol: One minute I think I have a male and the next I think it's female. It's hard to tell!! I have put some pictures online now of all of the fish in my 75 gallon. If you want to see them, here's the link. Let me know when you think I have.

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