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I meant to ask about the Vals as well. It seems the algae problem over powered the Vals. As Corvus mentioned. Seperating the babies from the mother is a huge help to both parties involved. Ocassional thinning helps also.

There are certainly times when a lighting siesta is beneficial. In your particular situation at this time Brian. Ten or so hours of uniterrupted lighting certainly won't hurt. Especially since you've recently started Pres CO2.

I just recently switched one of my tanks lighting to 4,2,4 for the winter. During the winter the sun runs lower. Casting almost direct sunlight on the tank in the evening for about 1.5 hours. I set the timer to turn the lights off while the suns hitting it. Letting mother nature light the tank, but more importantly eliminating a huge amount of spot algae this time of year on the acrylic due to the extra sunlight.

Planted tanks are a balancing act. Is'nt it great in a twisted sort of way? :twisted:
I think its probably excess micros and too much light and maybe not enough plants. Not too much light time, but too many AH Supply watts. Just my guess. I am curious if eliminating the siesta will help . I am doubtful on that, because there are clouds in nature too.

Is it possible to bump the CO2 up? Obviously you will have to adjust the KH in order to keep you PH where your discus need it to be. That would really help the plants to rob the excess nutrients. Another thought, you could try a nitrasorb sponge too. The plants can live longer without the nitrates than the algae, and then bump the KNO3 back up after a day or too. Thats what I did to finally help defeat GW. I read that cure on Aqua Botanic's All Wet Thumb forum. Only thing that finally cured GW for me. And GW has never been back. Good luck Brian.
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