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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 23, 2010
Hey all, just wanted to get some opinions and feedback on my tank. What do you guys think?
Thanks! It's a 33g brackish tank with a figure 8 puffer and 2 knight gobies
i really enjoy it, I have another tank with them that i have had for almost 5 years now. They have a great personality, and are very friendly to both me and the gobies in the tank
Good job keeping healthy plants in brackish water.

The driftwood will rot and decay much faster in BW than FW.
What plants do you have and what is your SG? I have mangroves and java fern doing well in my brackish tank but I'm scared to try much else. Although I may give up on plants seeing as my GSPs have gone after the ferns like little hole punches. Do the figure 8s do that? Take little round bites out of your leaves?
I have some anubias nana and anubias coffeefolia , cryptocoryne ciliate, some type of val and then some java fern. My salinity is around 1.005. however i assume it would be much harder for gsp since they need at least 1.005 salinity when they are babies and will eventually need to be moved up to 1.010-1.015 when juveniles. it looks like you're at 1.010, so that limits you, but you can definitely try, and then if they don't do well just move them to another tank if you have it. My plants do not have holes however, i had a issue when i had mollies in there, but no problems since.
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